The Story of Pharaoh Drowning in Red Sea

Friday, November 19, 2010 2 Comment
Red Sea may be regarded as a special sea. Why? Not just because the color is at certain times appear red if viewed from above, but also because the ocean that separates the continents of Asia and Africa holds the story of the greatness of Allah SWT. When the Prophet Musa and the Children of Israel, hunted the ruler of Egypt, split the sea and drowned Pharaoh's army following.

Geographically, the Red Sea is a gulf waters that are directly related to the Arabian Sea on the south side. Countries which have territorial waters along the Red Sea, including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, and Ethiopia, or so-called Maghreb countries. Meanwhile, on the north side have named the Suez canal linking the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

The width of the ocean that the limiting parts of Asia and Africa is at the location farthest reaches a distance of 300 km. Meanwhile, the length of one side of the Red Sea coast at around 1,900 km. While the depth of the deepest sea in places reach 2,500 meters.

The story of Moses parting the Red Sea is estimated to occur about 3,500 years ago. In the Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 50 is mentioned, "And (remember) when We divided the sea for you, then We delivered you, and We drowned (Pharaoh) and his followers are your own witness." History is reinforced by the discovery of dead horse-drawn carriage and human bones in the Red Sea are believed to be the Pharaoh's troops and bodyguard.
Based on scientific research, the location of Moses crossing the U.S. is estimated to be in the region Nuwaiba, Sinai Peninsula, Egypt. The maximum depth of water in this area about 800 meters to the Egyptian and 900 meters to the Arabs. Meanwhile, the distance Nuwaiba on the east side of the Red Sea to the Arabian Peninsula on the west side around 1800 meters. Track width when the prophet Moses crossing the Red Sea is estimated to reach 900 meters.
Based on these data, you can imagine how much energy is required to have parted the sea water up to 900 meters wide path with a distance of 1800 meters. Moreover, the Red Sea tersibaknya time long enough for the Children of Israel that came with the Prophet Moses crossing the Red Sea, the U.S. reached 600,000 people.
According to the calculations of physics, if the Red Sea penyibakan lasted four hours, it takes the pressure (force per unit area) of 2.8 million newtons per square meter. If associated with wind speed, wind speed will exceed in the event of storm winds. Referring to the calculations carried out an expert from Russia named Volzinger, needed a gust of wind with constant velocity of 30 meters / second or 108 km / hour during the night to brush the water as deep as 800 meters.
Related to this phenomenon, U.S. researchers acknowledge that the phenomenon of the Red Sea split is indeed very possible. From the results of computer simulations that study how wind affects the water, it was shown that the wind can push water so menyibakan inland sea floor.
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and University of Colorado U.S. states, splitting water (sea) can be understood through the theory of fluid mechanics. The wind moving the water in a manner consistent with the laws of physics, namely creating a corridor for safe passage with water on both sides. And, it allows water to suddenly close again.
To that end, researchers are also studying how storms in the Pacific Ocean to stimulate and influence the deep ocean water. They pointed to one site in the south of the Mediterranean Sea as the crossings with the ground model which allows the sea water splitting.
This model requires a U-shaped formation of the River Nile and shallow lagoons along the coastline. This shows that wind speeds of 63 miles per hour blew for 12 hours could push water to a depth of 6 feet (2 meters). This is a bridge of land along the 3-4 kilometers (2 to 2.5 miles) wide and 5 kilometers (3 miles) to stay open for 4 hours.
Based on these research results, it can be concluded that the sea can indeed be split to show the sea base. But about the truth that the sea split with the help of the wind, the answer is Allaah Nature.
Now, in the Red Sea coast region of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, every Thursday and Friday nights are often filled with tourists to picnic with a barbecue or just sit around mingle. Not surprisingly, along the coast is also lined with restaurants serving various cuisines and a playground for children.